Understanding Klaviyo Revenue: Debunking the Myth of “Burning Your List”

 Many businesses using Klaviyo as their email marketing platform worry about the percentage of revenue attributed to their email campaigns. Specifically, concerns arise when a significant portion of revenue comes from email marketing, raising fears of “burning your list.” However, it’s crucial to understand that high revenue from Klaviyo isn’t necessarily a negative indicator. This article explores why this misconception exists and what businesses should focus on instead.

The Myth of “Burning Your List”: There’s a common misconception that if a large percentage (e.g., 35-40%) of your revenue comes from Klaviyo, you’re “burning your list.” This belief stems from the fear of over-emailing subscribers and causing them to unsubscribe or become disengaged.

Why High Revenue from Klaviyo Isn’t Always a Red Flag:

  1. Attribution Inaccuracies: Klaviyo reporting might not always accurately attribute revenue. Before assuming there’s an issue, double-check your attribution settings.
  2. Repeat Purchase Businesses: In industries with strong repeat purchase rates (e.g., supplements, fashion, subscriptions), most revenue comes from existing customers. It’s normal for 80-90%+ of monthly sales to come from current customers.
  3. Driving Loyalty: Klaviyo is designed to generate repeat sales from past customers, which is a key metric of success. A high percentage of revenue from Klaviyo indicates that the tool is effectively driving loyalty and repeat purchases.

The Real Priority: Balancing Revenue and List Growth: While high revenue from Klaviyo is positive, it’s essential to balance this with consistent list building. Focusing solely on existing customers can lead to stagnation. It’s crucial to drive fresh leads to your list, ensuring a steady flow of first-time buyers to convert into repeat customers.

Conclusion: In conclusion, a high percentage of revenue from Klaviyo doesn’t necessarily mean you’re “burning your list.” It can indicate that your email marketing efforts are effective in driving loyalty and repeat purchases. However, it’s important to maintain a balance between revenue from existing customers and list growth to ensure long-term success.